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Making a Difference

Daily we are bombarded with the hurts, struggles, abuses, and devastation caused by sin in our the world at large as well as in our own circle of influence. What are we to do? We feel inadequate and sometimes we even feel hopeless. For those who have a personal relationship with Christ we should be aware that we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us. We have the Word of God to instruct and guide us. We have the limitless power of God to provide the energy needed for the task. However, we often get tunnel vision and try to fix the problems in our lives by our own efforts.

On the other hand there are times that we are trusting in the Lord and are leaning on Him to empower, guide, and direct us in our own personal daily battles. We might even see great victories in our personal battles, but far too often we fail to truly make a difference in the lives of others. Our weekly worship services, our daily times of prayer and Bible reading, and our personal times of worship are not just for us. God has called us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). We are to have the heart of Christ who saw the numerous hurting souls and declared that the fields are white unto harvest. (John 4:35) He commanded us to, pray earnestly that the Lord of harvest will send out workers into the field. Maybe you've prayed that prayer and feel that you've done your part. However, you are likely an answer to that prayer.

I recently received such an answer to the prayers to make a difference. Like many of you, I am concerned about the broken homes in our communities, the pain and neglect that many children face on a daily basis, the devastation that sin is daily producing in our world. Sometimes I am tired and do not feel up to the task. Recently my two youngest children began soccer season. I volunteered to be a team dad and help a coach send out weekly reminders by text and email. I had recently finished coaching during a basketball season that was rewarding but had also taken a lot of energy out of me. I had been suffering from severe allergy issues for two months and was having vocal issues. I just wanted to sit back and watch my kids play ball when this soccer season began.

I noticed at my son's first practice that his coach was a pregnant lady who was struggling with having enough energy to lead the team. She had only wanted to be an assistant coach, but she answered the call when shae was asked to lead the team. At practice yesterday I realized that there was a need for someone to answer the call and come alongside this lady and help provide organization and discipline for some very active 5th-8th grade boys. On the same day my baby girl's soccer coach asked me to help him coach the 1st and 2nd grade girls. I had helped him the week before at the game. He has a wife tending to a sick mother and high school daughter going to college. He had plenty of help lined up, but life happened to him. This gifted coach found himself needing someone to help a group of energetic girls get focused and play soccer. . I said, "yes" to both opportunities yesterday. There was no excuses to be made. The need was right in front of me The Apostle Paul admonished young Timothy to be instant in season and out of season. I knew that God was opening another door to share the gospel by my words and actions to young people who needed to see God's love. In his book, A Horse and His Boy, C.S. Lewis writes, If you do one good deed your reward is usually to be set to do another and harder and better one. Don't shrink back from the task in front of you!!

What about you? What is holding you back from surrendering to Christ and being a vessel that He will use to pour his grace out upon others? Do you think that you have done your part by attending church each week, by voting in the general election last Fall, by giving money to the church or another charitable foundation, or by simply not harming others? There are numerous opportunities to make a difference for positive change in our world. People all around us need to see the gospel in our words and deeds. A kind word, a few minutes of your time, exhorting and encouraging a young soccer (or football, or softball, or basketball player) may change a life for eternity. Ask the Lord to send our more workers into His harvest and tell him that He can begin by sending you.

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